Bodhisattva Series
Art by Josh Heath
Healing Arts
Energy healing through visual arts.
In this series of spiritual exploratian my study of energy healing and visual arts has come together to create art with healing properties. Using devotional figures from all cultures and religions I am able to tap into into a universal energy and give it life through visual arts, creating a physical manifestation for the owner to use in practice to help guide these energies and healing into their life.
  1. Amitabha
  2. Kshitigarbha
  3. Bodhi
  4. Virgin Tara
    Virgin Tara
  5. Vajrapani Wrathful
    Vajrapani Wrathful
  6. Manjushri
  7. Bhumi Devi
    Bhumi Devi
  8. Buddha Christ
    Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sacred heart, lotus position, Boddhisattva
  9. Pranjaparamita Mayan
    Pranjaparamita Mayan
  10. Pranjaparamita De los Muertos
    Pranjaparamita De los Muertos
  11. I'm a fuck'n bear
    I'm a fuck'n bear
  12. Freyja Rabbit
    Freyja Rabbit
  13. Jai Jai
    Jai Jai
  14. Health and healing
    Health and healing
  15. Amoghasiddhi
The Bodhisattva Series
A Bodhisattva in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition is an individual who
has reached nirvana and compassionately refrains from entering until the
enlightment of all beings. The Bodhisattva Series is my exploration
through all cultures and religions to find these devotional figures that
inspire us all toward enlightenment. Mixing references from multiple
sources in each creation to emphisize my personal belief that when it
come to core values all religion is saying the same thing. Modernizing
our definition of Bodhisattva into a more all enclusive meaning.